Monday, February 1, 2010

Living A Legacy

Good morning CrossTown blog readers! So good to have you here.

This week Ronn dove into the idea of "Living your legacy". What kind of legacy are you living?

As always we want to hear your hearts around this idea. What did you hear on Sunday? What is God teaching you through this series and specifically from this past Sunday?

Here are a couple questions to get your minds thinkin...

1. What is the biggest request you have ever asked God for? Why did you ask for it? Did you get it? If you got it...what did you do with it, and why? And did it lead to an eternal legacy?

2. Who was the first follower of Jesus in your family? How many generations does your family legacy go back to? What is the strength of this and the challenges of this?


  1. great sermon yesterday on being strong. Like, I"m just getting my first feel for my temp job doing customer service at FTD and it's hard at times but hanging tough. I'm praying about it and if I do well, I will get to stay and if not, I move on. God is helping me stay strong. I've prayed for months about finding a job and I"m praying someday I will find a solid permanent job but right now doing temp work and should gain experience. Keep praying for me please Thanks.

  2. So the other day, in the midst of a discussion with one of my friends, an unexpected truth came out of nowhere. It illuminated the fact that one of three other persons had deceived me, but I do not know which of the three. I’m hurt by the unwarranted deceit. I’m angry, but I don’t even know whose name to attach my anger to. I’m mad and rightfully so. My goodness, life is hard.

    And yet… is THAT the legacy of my life I want to leave? While I’m stewing in my anger, God is gently prodding me. The song on KLOVE’s lyrics, if I’ve got them down right, are “Lively, I sing. Lively, I live. Giving You all I have to give, Until the world knows the Love that’s made me so alive. I’m alive, I’m alive!”

    Deep breath, take two. I will choose to forgive. I will choose to let it go. I will choose not to be a representative of anger and hurt. I will choose to be a representative of the forgiveness and love found in the Only One who has the authority and the power to Forgive and whose very existence is the epitome of Love. Our beloved savior, Jesus.

  3. in response to Question #1...

    I've prayed some pretty heavy things in my life-- specifically about things dealing with healing and suffering, life and death, and the like. And the answers I've received at times have been... well.. let's just say nothing close to what I was hoping or asking for.

    But I've learned 2 truths over and over again, through all the prayers and "answers" to those prayers: 1) HE IS GOOD! ALL THE TIME! and 2) His ways are NOT my ways.

    You see, so often, even in the course of our "30 Days to Live" discussions, we focus on what WE can do to leave OUR legacy. But if there's one thing I've learned, it's that my strength is small. My wisdom is limited. My words fall short. And my hairline is receding. There is pretty much NOTHING I can do that hasn't already been done better by somebody else. One thing I am sure of... I will fall short of the perfection for which I am striving. I will disappoint myself. My plans will fall through.

    But... HIS plans will not. We're talking about leaving a legacy of FAITH. NOT a legacy of strength, or of works, or even of wisdom... It is HE who can do immeasurably more than I could possibly ask or imagine. It is up to ME to simply FOLLOW and become the VESSEL which He desires to use, how He desires to use me, where and when He so chooses... to leave HIS legacy.

    His ways are not my ways. And I praise Him for it. My ways won't leave me with much of a legacy, once it's all said and done. But a legacy of FAITH-- one that simply obeys and open-handedly pursues the vision He's given, living by His grace day-to-day-- now THAT's something worth living for. It's the kind of legacy that can truly change the world, today AND for generations to come.
