Monday, February 8, 2010


We heard on Sunday about loving God with ALL we are and loving others AS ourselves. These two commandments that we are given can be hard, and yet God is calling us to them and commanding us to walk in these ways.

As we talked about in-side-out on Sunday - lets discuss the following questions this week. Feel free to comment, talk, respond, and engage with our community this week as God changes our lives and perspectives in our continued study of "30 Days To Live". What has God been telling you and teaching you through this?

1. When was the last time you remember stopping to savor a rich moment? What were the circumstances-were you on vacation, with family, at Thanksgiving? What prevents us from noticing more of these moments?

2. Do you consider yourself a good listener? Why or why not? What prevents you from listening more closely?

3. What are some practical steps you have taken to hear God’s voice in spite of all the ‘noise’ of our lives and culture?

1 comment:

  1. As my life become increasingly more hectic, I notice that in the few and far between "down-times" is when I experience the rich moments I savor. Whether it's when my husband and children are playing, when I hear their laughter, when I hear their innocent and their unyielding joy of the moment. Hearing my husband teaching my daughter to pray on her own. Or seeing two of my children being kind and loving to one another, let's face it this is not always the case! Most recently, hearing two of my children playing, then realizing that they are pretending to have a birthday party for Jesus...simply amazing! Being able to witness the faith of a child is truly eye opening and inspires me to be more child-like in my faith. God has truly blessed me and when I allow myself to slow down enough to see, I am amazed at the life I have been given. God has used all of these moments to teach me...again, God is truly amazing :)
